Sunday, 2 March 2014

Why blog?

I've been wondering for ages whether to blog or not. Does the world need another Catholic blogger? Do I really have anything to say that anyone else needs to hear? Well, since I amuse myself commenting on other people's blogs, I suppose I think I do.

I think the real motivation is that as a returned Catholic (I believe the correct term is the unlovely word 'revert') I have particular experiences and concerns that I am able to express and discuss with very few Catholics whom I meet in daily life. When I finally decided to return, after a few decades of atheism and a few years in the Church of England I did so because I could finally accept that the Catholic Church was the one true Church founded by Christ. That being so I also accept its teachings - all of them, not just the ones that suit me. This has involved a long process of trying to understand  those teachings (especially about personal relationships) which are counter to what I had thought all my adult life and to conform my conscience to them. I have found this process (it's ongoing)  though difficult, hugely rewarding, but...

Most Catholics I meet- I would say 95%-believe only what they find convenient and regard obedience to the Magisterium as optional. Their consciences seem mainly to validate whatever they choose to think and often what they choose to think has more in common with secular society than with the Church. So it feels a bit lonely, although I'm less bothered nowadays by ridicule or outright hostility (try defending 'openness to life' i.e. no artificial contraception in a meeting of parish activists). What has kept me going is faith in Christ, the teaching of Pope Benedict (a big influence on my decision to return) and the internet- I know I'm not alone!

So I hope to blog, if only occasionally, about my life as a returned Catholic and any issues as they come up. I hope, oo, to be positive! The Church has its problems as ever, but there are lots of positives. So I won't be complaining about sparse provision of Latin Mass or, having said that I still miss Pope Benedict, which should serve to position me, getting involved in Pope discussions.

1 comment:

  1. Your return to the Church is certainly something to blog about. We desperately need converts and 'returners' to carry the torch and this blog is doing precisely that.
